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Condon, David: Recent submissions

  • Lezotte, Daniel V.; Condon, David M.; Mroczek, Daniel K. (SAGE Publications, 2017-09-01)
    Lievens (2017) makes a case for SJTs in personnel selection, a recommendation with which we agree. In particular, we like the emphasis on branching out from current methodologies and using new techniques such as SJTs not ...
  • Guo, Jen; Weston, Sara J.; Condon, David M. (PsyArXiv, 2018-01-21)
    Objective: Do different methods for collecting life narratives – the integrated, autobiographical construction of the past and imagined future – produce similar lexical features and relationships to personality traits? The ...
  • Condon, David M.; Revelle, William (Wiley, 2018-02-16)
    Separating signal from noise is the primary challenge of measurement and is the fundamental goal of all approaches to reliability theory. Reliability is the ability to generalize about individual differences across alternative ...
  • MÕTTUS, RENÉ; Wood, Dustin; Condon, David M.; Back, Mitja D.; Baumert, Anna; Costantini, Giulio; Epskamp, Sacha; Greiff, Samuel; Johnson, Wendy; Lukaszewski, Aaron; Murray, Aja; Revelle, William; Wright, Aidan G. C.; Yarkoni, Tal; Ziegler, Matthias; Zimmermann, Johannes (SAGE Publications, 2020)
    We argue that it is useful to distinguish between three key goals of personality science – description, prediction and explanation – and that attaining them often requires different priorities and methodological approaches. ...
  • Mroczek, Daniel K.; Condon, Daniel M. (SAGE Publications, 2015-06-24)
    Rauthmann, Sherman and Funder have made a landmark contribution to situation research in the target article of this issue. However, we propose that their work overlooks the need to incorporate a developmental perspective. ...
  • Revelle, William; Condon, David M. (Society of Multivariate Experimental Psychology, 2012-10)
  • Revelle, William; Condon, David M. (2022-07-13)
    Using IRT to estimate ability is easy, but how accurate are the estimate and what about multiple samples?
  • Condon, David M.; Mroczek, Daniel K.; Khan, A.; Weston, Sara J. (Oxford University Press, 2017-06-30)
    The utility of personality measures as predictors of distal outcomes (e.g., mortality, longevity) is well-documented. Few have reported on more proximal outcomes; one prominent exception (Weston, Hill, & Jackson, 2014) ...
  • Elleman, Lorien G.; Condon, David M.; Revelle, William (PsyArXiv, 2020-08-24)
    Personality consists of stable patterns of cognitions, emotions, and behaviors, yet personality psychologists rarely study behaviors. Even when examined, behaviors typically are considered to be validation criteria for ...
  • Atherton, Olivia E.; Willroth, Emily C.; Schwaba, Ted; Goktan, Ayla J.; Graham, Eileen K.; Condon, David M.; Rao, Mitesh B.; Mroczek, Daniel K. (PsychOpen, 2021)
    Supplementary materials to: Atherton, O. E., Willroth, E. C., Schwaba, T., Goktan, A. J., Graham, E. K., Condon, D. M., Rao, M. B., & Mroczek, D. K. (2021). Personality predictors of emergency department post-discharge ...
  • Condon, David M.; Coughlin, Joshua; Weston, Sara J. (Ubiquity Press, 2022)
    This dataset contains 2,818 trait descriptive adjectives in English and information about the extent to which each term is known among a large and approximately representative sample of U.S. adults. The list of personality-related ...
  • Elleman, Lorien G.; Condon, David M.; Revelle, William (2017)
    Figure 1: Correlation matrix of traditional Big Five scales, behavioral Big Five scales (composed of items from Tables 1-5), four outcomes, and four empirical scales formed from items most highly correlated with each outcome ...
  • Condon, David M.; Revelle, William (Harvard Dataverse, 2015)
    These data were collected to evaluate the structure of personality constructs in the temperament domain. In the context of modern personality theory, these constructs are typically construed in terms of the Big Five ...
  • Weston, Sara J.; Condon, David M. (University of California Press, 2021-01-04)
    Fluctuations in the average daily personality of the United States capture both meaningful affective responses to world events (e.g., changes in anxiety or well-being) and broader psychological responses. We estimate the ...
  • Revelle, William; Condon, David M. (SAGE Publications, 2017-08-06)
    The target article by Baumert et al. is an ambitious attempt to combine personality structure, process and development into a coherent whole. We applaud the effort and would like to suggest an analogy that might prove ...
  • Jackson, Joshua; Condon, David M.; Beck, Emorie (Oxford University Press, 2021-12-17)
    Most investigations in the structure of personality traits do not adequately address age, as few studies look at the structure of personality traits a-theoretically, instead presupposing a theoretical structure e.g., Big ...
  • Zola, Anne; Condon, David M.; Revelle, William (University of California Press, 2021-01-04)
    Despite their added benefits, informant-reports are largely underutilized in personality research. We demonstrate the feasibility of collecting informant-reports online, where researchers have unprecedented access to large, ...
  • Atherton, Olivia E.; Willroth, Emily C.; Schwaba, Ted; Goktan, Ayla J.; Graham, Eileen K.; Condon, David M.; Rao, Mitesh B.; Mroczek, Daniel K. (PsychOpen, 2021-11-22)
    Personality traits are important predictors of health behaviors, healthcare utilization, and health outcomes. However, we know little about the role of personality traits for emergency department outcomes. The present study ...
  • Sassenberg, Tyler A.; Condon, David M.; DeYoung, Colin G. (PsyArXiv, 2022-02-09)
    Previous research has investigated the nature of imagination as a construct related to multiple forms of higher-order cognition. Despite the emergence of various conceptualizations of imagination, few attempts have been ...
  • Lanning, Kevin; Warfel, Evan A.; Wetherell, Geoffrey; Perez, Marina; Boyd, Ryan; Condon, David M. (PsychOpen, 2021-01-14)
    Some scholars have presented models of the United States as a set of “nations” with distinct settlement histories and contemporary cultures. We examined personality differences in one such model, that of Colin Woodard, ...

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