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Ex Animo


Ex Animo is an undergraduate-run, peer-reviewed, open-access philosophy journal. Pluralistic in nature, this journal aims to publish the philosophical works of undergraduates that are driven by and grounded in a philosophical interest in the world. As such, the journal represents plurality not only in the diversity of the thought expressed in the journal but in the various media through which the works themselves are expressed. Visual, textual (e.g., academic papers, aphorisms, poetry, and short stories), and multimedia works of philosophical intent are the focus of publication at Ex Animo.

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We use and require that authors grant to the public a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium provided that the original work is properly cited. Click here to view a copy of this license or send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA. The author retains full copyright ownership for works published in Ex Animo.

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Ex Animo uses Scholars’ Bank as our archiving system. Authors who submit their research to Scholars’ Bank retain their copyright unless they explicitly give it away to a third party. The University of Oregon Libraries does not seek nor claim copyright on work submitted to Scholars’ Bank. The Libraries ask authors to agree to a non-exclusive distribution license, which means that authors may make copies of their work available on other sites or formally publish their work without obtaining permission from the Libraries.

Collections in this community

Recent Submissions

  • Post, Boochie (Ex Animo, 2022-06-02)
    In this paper I argue that Miranda Fricker’s account of blame in “What’s the Point of Blame? A Paradigm Based Explanation” can assist in explaining why cancel culture is ultimately unproductive. In particular, the phenomenon ...
  • Laguisma, Luisa (Ex Animo, 2022-06-02)
    This essay will examine both Mary Astell’s proposal for women’s education as a protofeminist project and Descartes’ meditations on rationalism and the mind-body duality to understand how Astell’s project functions as ...
  • Hardister, Mia (Ex Animo, 2022-06-02)
    In this paper, I attempt to analyze the 2014 film Under the Skin through its formal and generic elements and relate these to philosophical thought regarding objectivity and gender from theorists including Kant, de Beauvoir, ...
  • Ycaza, Joseph D. (Ex Animo, 2022-06-02)
    "In this essay, I will be exploring the viability of an ecological Nietzsche, or how Nietzsche’s philosophy may play out in practical contemporary environmental contexts, and whether his philosophy is compatible with any ...
  • Stalie, Pollyanna (University of Oregon, 2021-05-16)
    Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a practical theory of discipline that focuses on prevention—rather than punishment,—and affirmation of preferred behavior. PBIS is primarily used in schools, and I ...
  • Schatz, Timothy (University of Oregon, 2021-05-16)
    The quintessential characterization of Hegel's philosophy is that of a circle. In the context of his Phenomenology of Spirit, this means a kind of unity or semblance thereof between sensuous-certainty and absolute knowing. ...
  • Angel 
    Amezcua, A. Isabelle (University of Oregon, 2021-05-16)
    Angels are a common motif in the World, and in the West. Not just in religion (and, by extension, philosophy), but also in art and its myriad expressions. There are many ways to imagine (that is, to make an image of) angels, ...
  • O'Brien, Bill (University of Oregon, 2021-05-16)
    The purpose of this paper is to critically examine abstraction in the context of John Dewey’s notion of reflective thought. Abstraction is to be understood as a pragmatic tool that underpins reflective thought. In other ...
  • Hanover, Sydney (University of Oregon, 2021-05-16)
    Governmental and corporate spying are no longer a surprising facet of everyday life in the digital age. In this paper, I expand upon the implications at stake in debates on autonomy, privacy, and anonymity, and I arrive ...
  • Currie, Luke (University of Oregon, 2021-05-16)
    This is an attempt to think through the idea that human knowledge has no fundamental ground. It seemed best to present this gesture in fragments rather than argument. In the questioning pursuit of absolute certainty, one ...