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Winston, Oregon Planning Documents


Recent Submissions

  • Winston (Or.) (City of Winston, 2015-05-01)
  • Winston (Or.) (City of Winston, 2014-06-30)
  • Winston (Or.) (Winston, 2007-12-21)
    Update the Plan & Zoning Map to correct mapping on four properties in the UGB that had no designation or an incorrect designation. Update plan text to add bicycle/pedestrian findings and to address industrial findings. ...
  • Winston (Or.) (Winston, 2006-08-14)
  • Winston (Or.) (Winston, 2012-06-11)
  • Winston (Or.) (Winston, 2009-11-24)
  • Winston (Or.) (Winston, 2007-02-22)
    Annex property plus Amend the Plan from Agriculture Open Space and Residential 3 to Residential 4.5 DU/A C. Amend the Zoning to Residential Low Density A remove the Large Lot Overlay and add a Planned Development Overlay ...
  • Winston (Or.) (Winston, 2006-07-10)
    Amend the Plan from Residential 3 DU/AC to Residential 4.5 DU/AC. Amend the Zoning from Residential Low Density B to Residential Low Density A (RLA). on a 13.06 ac +\- parcel.
  • Winston (Or.) (Winston, 2006-03-13)
    Amend the Plan from Agriculture Open Space to Residential 7 DU/AC. Amend the Zoning from Agriculture Open Space to Residential Medium Density (RMD), Amend the zoning map to remove the Large Lot Overlay and add a Planned ...
  • Winston (Or.) (Winston, 2006-08-28)
    Legislative amendments to the City of Winston Comprehensive Plan. City of Winston Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance to implement miscellaneous reorganization and minor text clarifications to improve the Plan and ...
  • Douglas County (Or.); Oregon. Dept. of Transportation; David Evans and Associates; Winston (Or.) (Oregon. Dept. of Transportation, 2005-10)
    The Conditions Report project is intended as the first step in planning for long-range improvements. This initial step is needed to gain a better understanding of both the current and the future deficiencies of these two ...
  • Winston (Or.); Douglas County (Or.); Umpqua Regional Council of Governments; Oregon. Dept. of Transportation (Oregon Dept. of Transportation, 2004)
    This Access Management Strategy and Livability Plan (AMS & LP) has been developed in compliance with the Oregon Highway Plan (OHP), the City of Winston Transportation System Plan, and in response to a Oregon Transportation ...
  • Winston (Or.); Spencer & Kupper (City of Winston (Or.), 2006-11)
    The Winston Urban Renewal Plan was prepared to assist in implementing recommendations for the Winston Downtown Redevelopment Plan, prepared by the Oregon Downtown Development Association in July, 2005. The Downtown Plan ...
  • Winston (Or.); Douglas County (Or.). Planning Dept. (City of Winston (Or.), 2005-09)
    Development codes are ordinances implementing a local government’s comprehensive plan. They include two components: a zoning ordinance and a subdivision ordinance, which may be adopted and published as separate documents ...
  • Winston (Or.); Umpqua Regional Council of Governments (Winston (Or.), 2003-06-23)
    This Winston Transportation System Plan (TSP) is a summary of the past transportation planning efforts and current Comprehensive Plan Periodic Review program activities underway for the City of Winston. This report expands ...
  • Winston (Or.); Oregon Downtown Development Association; Marketek, Inc.; Bennett, Thomas; DLA, Inc. (City of Winston (Or.), 2005-06)
    Winston’s Downtown Redevelopment Plan outlines a framework for revitalization and identifies specific business development actions; streetscape improvements; and infill opportunities that best capitalize on existing ...
  • Winston (Or.) (City of Winston (Or.), 2003-06-23)
    This comprehensive plan was developed to chart the community's future growth through the year 2022. It anticipates the community's future needs and concerns and presents actions to deal with them. Many studies, deliberations, ...