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Mathematics Theses and Dissertations


This collection contains some of the theses and dissertations produced by students in the University of Oregon Mathematics Graduate Program. Paper copies of these and other dissertations and theses are available through the UO Libraries.

Recent Submissions

  • Manco, Diego (University of Oregon, 2024-08-07)
    Donald Yau introduced pseudo symmetric Cat-multifunctors and proved that Mandell's inverse K-theory multifunctor is stably equivalent to a pseudo symmetric one. We prove a coherence result for pseudo symmetric Cat-multifunctors ...
  • Czenky, Agustina (University of Oregon, 2024-08-07)
    Fix an algebraically closed field k of characteristic $p \geq 0$. A symmetric fusion category $\mathcal C$ over k is a fusion category endowed with a braiding $c_{X,Y}: X\otimes Y \to Y \otimes X$ such that $c_{Y,X}c_{X, ...
  • Foster, Leigh (University of Oregon, 2024-08-07)
    A plane partition, whose 3D Young diagram is made of unit cubes, can be approximated by a “coarser” plane partition, made of cubes of side length 2. Indeed, there are two such approximations obtained by “rounding up” or ...
  • Platt, Samantha (University of Oregon, 2024-08-07)
    In this dissertation, we study Gaussian periods and their analogues from a visual perspective. Building on the work of Duke, Garcia, Hyde, Lutz, and others [BBF+14, BBGG+13, DGL15, GHL15], we introduce a more dynamical ...
  • Haight, Sean (University of Oregon, 2024-08-07)
    We develop the theory of Hermitian Jacobi forms in degree $n > 1$. This builds on the work of Klaus Haverkamp in \cite{HThesis} who developed this theory in degree $n = 1$. Haverkamp in turn generalized a monograph of ...
  • Bodish, Holt (University of Oregon, 2024-08-07)
    In this thesis we investigate knots and surfaces in $3$- and $4$-manifolds from the perspective of Heegaard Floer homology, knot Floer homology and Khovanov homology. We first investigate the \emph{Cabling Conjecture}, ...
  • Hathaway, Jay (University of Oregon, 2024-03-25)
    Using the combinatorial description of the standard Gaitsgory centralobject of the (extended, graded) affine type A Hecke category due to Elias, we show the existence of and explicitly describe the unique endomorphism that ...
  • Granath, Elliot (University of Oregon, 2024-01-10)
    In 1992, Stolz proved that, among simply connected Spin-manifolds of dimension5 or greater, the vanishing of a particular invariant α is necessary and sufficient for the existence of a metric of positive scalar curvature. ...
  • Delfin Ares de Parga, Alonso (University of Oregon, 2024-01-10)
    This dissertation initiates the study of $L^p$-modules, which are modules over $L^p$-operator algebras inspired by Hilbert modules over C*-algebras. The primary motivation for studying $L^p$-modules is to explore the ...
  • Davis, Champ (University of Oregon, 2024-01-09)
    Let $L$ be a link in a thickened annulus. In [GLW17], Grigsby-Licata-Wehrli showed that the annular Khovanov homology of $L$ is equipped with an action of $\exsltwo$, the exterior current algebra of the Lie algebra $\sltwo$. ...
  • Guth, Gary (University of Oregon, 2024-01-09)
    We study properties of surfaces embedded in 4-manifolds by way of HeegaardFloer homology. We begin by showing link Floer homology obstructs concordance through ribbon homology cobordisms; this extends the work of Zemke ...
  • Phillips, Bo (University of Oregon, 2024-01-09)
    In this paper, we build on the work of Lipshitz, Ozsv\'{a}th, and Thurston by constructing an algorithm that generates a weighted $A_\infty$-diagonal given a family of contractions of the weighted associahedron complexes. ...
  • Knapp, Greg (University of Oregon, 2024-01-09)
    In this study, we focus on two topics in classical number theory. First, we examine Thue equations—equations of the form F(x, y) = h where F(x, y) is an irreducible, integral binary form and h is an integer—and we give ...
  • Brooke, Corey (University of Oregon, 2024-01-09)
    This thesis describes the Fano scheme $F(Y)$ of lines on a general cubic threefold $Y$ containing a plane over a field $k$ of characteristic different from $2$. One irreducible component of $F(Y)$ is birational (over $k$) ...
  • Miyata, Dane (University of Oregon, 2024-01-09)
    Graphs and matroids are two of the most important objects in combinatorics.We study invariants of graphs and matroids that behave well with respect to certain morphisms by realizing these invariants as functors from a ...
  • Lacina, Stephen (University of Oregon, 2024-01-09)
    This dissertation has two main topics. The first is the introduction and in-depth study of a new poset theoretic structure designed to help us better understand the notion of lexicographic shellability of partially ordered ...
  • Hu, Yang (University of Oregon, 2024-01-09)
    In the unstable range, topological vector bundles over finite CW complexes are difficult to classify in general. Over complex projective spaces \mathbb{C}P^n, such bundles are far from being fully classified, or even ...
  • Masden, Marissa (University of Oregon, 2024-01-09)
    We provide a framework for analyzing the geometry and topology of the canonical polyhedral complex of ReLU neural networks, which naturally divides the input space into linear regions. Beginning with a category appropriate ...
  • Cohen, Jesse (University of Oregon, 2024-01-09)
    We study the relationship between the algebra of module homomorphisms under composition and 4-dimensional cobordisms in the context of bordered Heegaard Floer homology. In particular, we prove that composition of module ...
  • Hendrickson, Allan (University of Oregon, 2024-01-09)
    We consider the problem of dimension growth in AH algebras $A$ defined as inductive limits $A = \lim_{n \to \infty} (M_{R_n}(C(X_n)),\phi_{n})$ over finite connected CW-complexes $X_n$. We show that given any sequence ...

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