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Salem, Oregon Planning Documents: Recent submissions

  • Salem (Or.) (Salem, 2008-09-09)
    Planned Unit Development (PUD) Code Amendment (SRC 121) including approval criteria, deferred improvement agreements, and clarifying relationships between PUD and Subdivision ordinances.
  • Salem (Or.) (Salem, 2008-07-21)
    To change the Salem Area Comprehensive Plan map designation from "Single Family Residential" to "Commercial" and the zone district from RS (Sinole Family Residential) to CO (Commercial Office) for property approximately ...
  • Salem (Or.) (Salem, 2008-08-15)
    Amended SRC Chapters 154 (Central Business District Zone) and 119 (Special Uses) addressing the regulations applicable to religious organizations within the Central Business District (CB) zone; and corresponding amendments ...
  • Salem (Or.) (Salem, 2008-02-29)
  • Salem (Or.) (Salem, 2008-08-22)
    Amended Salem Revised Code (SRC) Chapter 63 (Subdivisions) and SRC Chapter 114 (Proceedings on Land Use Actions) to establish a process whereby units of land created through sale, but not through an approved land division ...
  • Salem (Or.) (Salem, 2008-05-07)
    Amended SRC Chapter 148 (RM2 - Multiple Family Residential) allowing single family homes, other than manufactured home, on pre-existing legal lots less than 6,000 sguare feet in area, and removing the minimum density of ...
  • Salem (Or.) (Salem, 2008-03-10)
    Changed the Salem Area Comprehensive Plan map designation from "Single-Family Residential" to "Multi-Family Residential" and the zone district from RA (Residential Agricultural) to RM2 (Multiple Family Residential) for ...
  • Salem (Or.) (Salem, 2007-11-19)
    Changed the Salem Area Comprehensive Plan map designation from "Industrial" to "Industrial Commercial" and the zone district from IBC (Industrial Business Campus) to IC (Industri Commercial) for property approximate v 11 ...
  • Salem (Or.) (Salem, 2007-12-07)
    Amended Salem Revised Code (SRC) Chapter 143B (Portland/Fairgrounds Road Overlay Zone) to remove the minimum Floor-Area-Ratio (FAR) reguirement from Area 1: The Pine Street Mixed-Use Area of the Portland/Fairgrounds Road ...
  • Salem (Or.) (Salem, 2007-10-01)
    The adopted Amendment updated the City of Salem Water System Master Plan maps and project lists to refect the community's water system service needs for the current Urban Growth Boundary. The principal changes address ...
  • Salem (Or.) (Salem, 2007-04-16)
    The adopted Amendment updated the Salem Wastewater Management Master Plan maps and project lists to reflect the community's wastewater service needs for the current Urban Growth Boundary. The principal changes address ...
  • Salem (Or.) (Salem, 2006-04-03)
    Amended Salem Revised Code Chapters 120,137. 138.143, and 148 to reflect the Creation of a new Historic Landmarks and Design Review Commission.
  • Salem (Or.) (Salem, 2012-01-17)
    To change the Salem Area Comprehensive Plan Map designation from "Single Family Residential" to "MultiFamily Residential" and change the zone district from RA (Residential Agriculture) to RM2 (Multiple Family Residential) ...
  • Salem (Or.) (Salem, 2012-03-08)
    Amendments to Salem Revised Code (SRC) Chapter 158 (General Industrial Zone - IG) adding physical fitness facilities (SIC 7991) and membership sports and recreation clubs (SIC 7997) as permitted uses within the zone.
  • Salem (Or.) (Salem, 2012-07-02)
    To change the Sal em Area Comprehensive Plan man designation from "Developing Residential" to "MixedUse' ; (2) To change the West Salem Neighborhood Plan map designation from "Single/Multi-Family" to "Center' AND (3) To ...
  • Salem (Or.) (Salem, 2012-01-31)
    Amendments tc Salem Revised Code (SRC) Chapter 143B (Portland/Fairgrounds Road Overlay Zone) removing the Rose Gardens Mixed-Use Area from the overlay zone. Property currently located within the mixed-use area still remains ...
  • Salem (Or.) (Salem, 2012-07-09)
    Amendment to Salem Revised Code Chapter 140 - Floodplain Overlay Zones. Purpose of the amendment i. to reduce the 3-foot minimum clearance of new bridges above the base flood elevation, The proposed amendment requires ...
  • Salem (Or.) (Salem, 2012-06-19)
    Amendment to Salem Revised Code Chapter (SRC) 300 - Land use procedures. Purpose of the amendment is to conform SRC 300 to House Bill 2129 by reducing the period for DLCD notice to 35 days, and to allow an amendment to the ...
  • Salem (Or.) (Salem, 2012-07-31)
  • Salem (Or.) (Salem, 2010-06-18)
    City-inituied amendments to the Salem Revised Code (SRC) Chapter 64.250 - 64.440 (Neighborhood Program and Neighborhood Plans) clarifying the advisory role of neighborhood associations, including additional recognized roles ...

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