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Ontario, Oregon Planning Documents


Recent Submissions

  • Ontario (Ontario, 2008-05-12)
    Annexation of 4.7 acres, with a Comprehensive Plan map change from Urban Growth Area Commercial (UGA-C) to City Commercial and rezone of the property from Urban Growth Area Commercial (UGA-C) to the City General Heavy ...
  • Ontario (Ontario, 2010-10-28)
  • Ontario (Ontario, 2010-05-14)
    Rezone 9 acre parcel from E-5 to E-2 allowing reduction in lot size from 5 acre to 2acre.
  • Ontario (Ontario, 2011-08-08)
  • Ontario (Ontario, 2011-08-08)
  • Ontario (Ontario, 2009-10-29)
  • Ontario (Ontario, 2009-09-17)
  • Ontario (Ontario, 2009-07-27)
    Exterior design criteria for downtown in the eight (8) block area of the original downtown (C-3 zone); Live/work arrangement in commercial structures were adopted. Minor land use modifications as welf as related Comp Plan ...
  • Ontario (Ontario, 2008-08-11)
    Annexation of 16 18 acres requires a Comprehensive Plan map change from Urban Growth Area Residential (UGA-R) to City Residential, and rezone from Urban Growth Area Residential (UGA-R) to City RS-50 (Single Family Residential, ...
  • Ontario (Ontario, 2007-03-05)
    Amendment of City Zoning Regulations; primarily procedural requirements, but some changes/additions to substantive Regulations.
  • Ontario (Ontario, 2007-08-22)
    Annexation of 8,067 square feet of Urban Growth Area residential land into the City of Ontario with appropriate rezone to city residential; density consistent with adjacent city residential zones.
  • Ontario (Ontario, 2007-05-17)
    Comprehensive Plan Amendment to change zone classification from Public Facilities to Industrial and Residential; Annexation of 88.45 Acres and assignment of City Heavy Industrial and Single Family Residential Zone
  • Ontario (Ontario, 2006-04-03)
    Changed UGA E Zones Regulations Text to mirror City E Zones Regulations Text
  • Ontario (Ontario, 2006-04-03)
    Creation of a new Zone within the City of Ontario Urban Growth Area, Action includes Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment Zoning Map Amendment and amendment of the Zoning regulations to include a new zone and the regulations therein.
  • Ontario (Ontario, 2006-11-20)
    Annexation of 4.46 Acres of UGA Residential Property; and, assignment of City Single Family Residential Zone
  • Ontario (Ontario, 2006-11-20)
    Annexation of .52 Acres Zone UGA Light Industrial; and, assignment of City Light Industrial Zone
  • Ontario (Or.); Oregon. Dept. of Transportation; Kittelson & Associates; CH2M Hill, inc.; Angelo Eaton & Associates; Jeanne Lawson Associates (Oregon Dept. of Transportation, 2005-03)
    [T]he generalized objectives [of] the North Ontario IAMP are to: develop a new North Ontario interchange form and alignment through a collaborative effort involving design professionals, jurisdictional representatives, ...
  • Ontario (Or.) (City of Ontario (Or.), 2001)
    Development codes are ordinances implementing a local government’s comprehensive plan. They include two components: a zoning ordinance and a subdivision ordinance, which may be adopted and published as separate documents ...
  • Ontario (Or.); H. Lee & Associates (City of Ontario (Or.), 2006-01)
    The City of Ontario Transportation System Plan (TSP) addresses the city’s anticipated transportation needs through the year 2025. It has been prepared to meet state and federal regulations that require urban areas to ...
  • Ontario (Or.); Oregon Downtown Development Association; Bosch, Mary; Zita, Richard; Ridenour, Eric (City of Ontario (Or.), 2005-06-23)
    As a regional center, Ontario is well positioned to capture retail spending from neighboring Idaho but business expansion in recent years has largely bypassed the traditional downtown business district. Specifically, the ...

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