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Fairview, Oregon Planning Documents: Recent submissions

  • Fairview (Or.) (Fairview, 2006-06-08)
  • Fairview (Or.) (Fairview, 2006-01-27)
  • Fairview (Or.) (Fairview, 2006-06-08)
  • Multnomah County (Or.); Cogan Owens Cogan (Firm); SERA Architects; Falconi Consulting Services (Multnomah County (Or.), 2005-04)
    This report describes the proposed conceptual design for the portion of Halsey Street that goes through the communities of Fairview, Troutdale and Wood Village between 223rd Avenue and the Historic Columbia River Highway ...
  • Fairview (Or.) (City of Fairview (Or.), 1979-06)
    The Comprehensive Plan describes the city of Fairview's intentions for future development. The Plan indicates desired patterns of land use and traffic circulation and plans for the location and development of community ...
  • Fairview (Or.); DKS Associates (City of Fairview (Or.), 2000-08-08)
    [The Plan's] goals and policies have been developed to guide the City's twenty-year vision of transportation system needs. They are intended to replace the current transportation related goals and policies in the Fairview ...
  • Fairview (Or.) (City of Fairview (Or.), 2004-06)
    The Plan is the result of many years of hard work by hundreds of local residents, governmental agencies, as well as other interested parties such as homeowner, advocacy groups (e.g., Fairview Creek Watershed Council) and ...

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