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Clark Honors College Theses


The thesis is the capstone of a student's academic program at the Clark Honors College. It is an opportunity for each CHC student to build on the education received in both CHC and the academic major to design an independent and original research project. It is the product of the student's original research or creative endeavor and, like graduate theses, must place the research or creative work in the context of prior research or artistic traditions, explain the techniques used to perform the research or develop the creative work, and present and elaborate on the results. Like graduate students, CHC students work closely with faculty members to develop and write their theses and, like graduate students, defend their theses in oral presentations to their thesis committees. There is a fundamental difference between graduate theses and CHC theses; the CHC thesis must be readable by a lay audience, while graduate theses may be written in technical or discipline-specific language.

Beginning in Winter 2005, Clark Honors College students have been notified of the option of submitting their theses to Scholars' Bank and many have done so. Some older theses are also available.

Paper copies of all theses are available in the Robert D. Clark Library on the third floor of Chapman Hall, on the University of Oregon campus. Contact the College for more information:

Paper copies of all theses are also available in the University Archives operated by the University of Oregon Libraries. To search the Libraries' catalog, visit the web site at:

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