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School of Planning, Public Policy and Management


The Department of Planning, Public Policy & Management is home to a diverse array of faculty research, participatory learning, and community assistance programs.

For more information on the department and its programs, consult the PPPM web site.

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Recent Submissions

  • Brown, Anne (Elsevier, 2021-12-03)
    Dockless electric scooters challenge cities seeking to regulate them amidst broader goals such as universal access. Cities are particularly concerned with improper scooter parking, which can impede access by other ...
  • Meinert, Tess; Parker, Robert (Community Planning Workshop: A Program of the Community Service Center,, 2015-09)
    Lane County Economic Development is reviewing the existing fiber and textile industry in the region to better understand the potential of the sector. This report presents research on the natural fiber and textile industry, ...
  • Parker, Robert; Howard, Michael; Pfefferle, Drew; DeHart, Michael; Horan, Erin; Jackson, Maureen; Setterfield, Brett (Community Planning Workshop: A Program of the Community Service Center,, 2015-06)
    Floods and wildfires are two natural hazards that impact Deschutes County. The Deschutes County Development Code has several provisions that specifically aim to mitigate the effects of these hazards; reduce risk to property, ...
  • Bruce, Josh; Oldson, Greg; Stapleton, Ellee; Drlik-Muehleck, Aniko; Knox, Megan (Community Planning Workshop: A Program of the Community Service Center,, 2017-08)
    Turner, Oregon is growing. A new residential development will soon increase the city’s housing stock by about a third, presenting new opportunities for community and economic development in Turner. Among these opportunities ...
  • Clark, Benjamin; Ngo, Nicole (2019-02)
    If recent years are any indication, the presence and risks of wildfire smoke will become more common in Lane County in future years, not less. The effects of climate change will continue to exacerbate the risk of these ...
  • Irvin, Renee A. (Public Integrity, 2018)
    Many a policy scholar has viewed election results with bewilderment: How can so many people persistently vote against their self-interest? In an attempt to at least partially address this conundrum, this article introduces ...
  • Irvin, Renee A. (2008-12-24)
    This article delineates a framework for judging the usefulness of collaborative strategy in the nonprofit/nongovernmental sector. Popular among academicians as well as grant makers, collaboration among nonprofit organizations ...
  • Irvin, Renee A.; Carr, Patrick Joseph, 1978- (2004-06)
    Nonprofit organizations thrive on the altruism of citizens, and actively court donors for major gifts. Yet individual gifts to government agencies are often unexpected, sporadic, and initiated by the donor. This article ...
  • Irvin, Renee A. (2010)
    Endowment, in the vernacular, can refer to any asset of substance that allows a person, organization or country to excel in their pursuits of business or leisure. For example, economists specializing in international trade ...
  • Bania, Neil; Gray, Jo Anna (University of Oregon, Dept of Economics, 2006-06)
    Barro’s (1990) model of endogenous growth implies that economic growth will initially rise with an increase in taxes directed toward “productive” expenditures (e.g., education, highways, and streets), but will subsequently ...
  • Gray, Jo Anna; Stone, Joe A.; Stockard, Jean (University of Oregon, Dept of Economics, 2006-02)
    This paper proposes and tests a simple joint explanation for i) increases in marital and nonmarital birth rates in the United States over recent decades, ii) the dramatic rise in the share of nonmarital births, and iii) ...
  • Bonner, Kristin; Hibbard, Michael (Ecosystem Workforce Program, Institute for a Sustainable Environment, University of Oregon, 2002-07-15)
    Cooperative, community-level approaches to environmental management are emerging in a variety of contexts, in Oregon and elsewhere. The rise of these approaches has led to a new appreciation of the possibility of watershed ...
  • Bonner, Kristin; Hibbard, Michael (Ecosystem Workforce Program, Institute for a Sustainable Environment, University of Oregon, 2002)
    This report examines some of the issues involved in setting up a system for monitoring the socio-economic effects of Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board (O-WEB) grants on an on-going basis. We conducted telephone interviews ...
  • Hibbard, Michael; Karle, Kristen M., 1975- (Ecosystem Workforce Program, Institute for a Sustainable Environment, University of Oregon, 2001)
    This paper is an assessment of a three year demonstration project to test the possibilities of community forestry for community development. The demonstration actively promotes community forestry in four rural Oregon ...
  • Hibbard, Michael (Ecosystem Workforce Program, Institute for a Sustainable Environment, University of Oregon, 2001)
    The Ecosystem Workforce Program (EWP) at the University of Oregon is conducting a three year demonstration project to test the possibilities of collaborative stewardship for community development. Key to this is a monitoring ...
  • Beltram, James; Evans, Rock; Hibbard, Michael; Luzzi, James (Ecosystem Workforce Program, Institute for a Sustainable Environment, University of Oregon, 2001)
    Reports the findings of a joint study by the Organization for Economic Initiatives, Inc. (OEI) and the Ecosystem Workforce Program (EWP) at the University of Oregon (UO). OEI is an Oregon 501(c) 3 non-profit corporation ...
  • Ringer, Greg; Robinson, Alan (World Wide Fund (WWF) for Nature-Indochina Programme & Viet Nam Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, 1999-11)
    This management proposal is intended to establish guidelines for the design, development, management, and marketing of ecotourism and environmental education activities, attractions, and facilities in Con Dao National Park ...
  • Ringer, Greg (Institute for Strategic Studies and Prognoses & Center for Entrepreneurship and Economic Development, 2004-10)
    This report briefly outlines the concerns and recommendations of a rapid assessment project undertaken in April 2004, with the support of the Montenegro Business Alliance and the U.S. Consulate in Podgorica. While admittedly ...
  • Ringer, Greg (1998-06)
    Perhaps more than any other region of the world, Africa’s dependence on natural resources makes it especially vulnerable to environmental change. To confront the growing social and natural problems, many sub-Saharan ...
  • Ringer, Greg (University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji, 2004-04)
    Tourism has grown to become the dominant service industry in the world in the 21st Century and a common prescription for funding sustainable community development throughout the East Asia-Pacific region. Certainly, there ...

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