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Department of Comparative Literature


The Department of Comparative Literature at the University of Oregon has the oldest doctoral program in comparative literature on the West Coast, as well as a unique major for undergraduates, and a dynamic faculty representing disciplines across campus. Oregon is also the home of the principal journal in the field, Comparative Literature, which recently celebrated its sixtieth anniversary.

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Recent Submissions

  • Middlebrook, Leah (eHumanista/Cervantes, 2017)
    The topic ‘Cervantes and poetry’ has given rise to a great deal of criticism, much of it shaped by tantalizing moments in which Cervantes appears to have commented on his skills with rueful self-knowledge – for example, ...
  • Middlebrook, Leah (Bulletin of Spanish Studies, 2014)
    Review of a collection of essays on the important sixteenth-century Spanish poet, translator and aristocrat Hernando de Acuña
  • Middlebrook, Leah (Calíope: Journal of the Society for Renaissance and Baroque Hispanic Poetry, 2013)
    The narrative of a “new” mindset that dispenses with the mythopoetic in favor of the intellect is a foundational myth of modernity. Perhaps that is not surprising, given the powerful constitutive role which moderns attribute ...
  • Middlebrook, Leah (Center for Renaissance and Reformation Studies U Toronto, 2010)
    For many writers, politicians and courtiers in early modern Spain, to raise the topic of poetry was to raise the topic of masculinity. In Spain, the sixteenth century marks a particular threshold – we might consider it the ...