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University of Oregon Sustainable City Year: Recent submissions

  • Robertson, Lance (University of Oregon, 2017)
    The City of Albany primarily uses its website to provide information and resources concerning the historic districts for homeowners. However, the homeowners have to seek this information out themselves rather than the City ...
  • Major, James; Kohler, Nick; Behrens, Syler (University of Oregon, 2017)
    The City of Albany, Oregon has iden ed three main objec ves to assist city sta to manage, analyze, and visualize historic aerial images for the purposes of parks and recrea on, as well as manage historic assets. The ...
  • Portwood, Paige; Kohler, Nick (University of Oregon, 2017)
    The University of Oregon’s GIScience 2 students collaborated with the City of Albany, Oregon, to gather, organize, synthesize, and map geospatial information. Albany is interested in better understanding the segregation ...
  • Miley, Emily; Meacham, James; Hendricks, Lauren (University of Oregon, 2017)
    In order to aid the City of Albany’s Park and Recreation Department (P&R) in the creation and visualization of their 2017 P&R Master Plan and to help serve the growing population, Albany partnered with the Sustainable City ...
  • Rasubala, Rian; Matthews, Kelli (University of Oregon, 2017)
    The City of Albany’s Parks & Recrea on Department (P&R) worked with public rela ons students at the University of Oregon to nd solu ons to increase community engagement and improve trust among Albany residents. The following ...
  • Matthews, Kelli (University of Oregon, 2016)
    The City of Albany Historic Preserva on Program partnered with the University of Oregon (UO) School of Journalism and Communica ons’ Public Rela ons Strategic Planning and Cases class to improve historic homeowners’ ...
  • Skov, Joshua (University of Oregon, 2016)
    The University of Oregon Master of Business Administra on and Master of Accoun ng students collaborated in Joshua Skov’s graduate-level course in Industrial Ecology (MGMT 641), inves ga ng the possibili es for the marke ...
  • Tully, Hillary; Flood, Bill (University of Oregon, 2016)
    The Community Cultural Development class in the Arts and Administra on Department at the University of Oregon was asked to present a plan to the City of Albany, Oregon, that would help the city develop a cultural inventory. ...
  • So, Kevin Eugene; Moore, Joseph (University of Oregon, 2016)
    This report summarizes the student design proposals for redeveloping three sites in downtown Albany, Oregon. University of Oregon Architecture students were tasked with iden fying op ons to increase ac vity within the ...
  • Johnduff, Michael; Margerum, Rich; Parker, Robert; Rosenburg, Stacy (University of Oregon, 2016)
    The City of Albany partnered with the Planning, Public Policy, and Management Department through the Sustainable City Year Program to help the city generate ideas for ac va ng the Water Street corridor and to consider its ...
  • Deiters, MaryBeth; Lewis, Rebecca (University of Oregon, 2016)
    There are a total of 36 city parks in Albany and the city aims to build a community where everyone within the city limits lives within two miles of a park. Albany’s Parks and Recrea on (P&R) Department is responsible ...
  • Hjelm, Elizabeth (2015)
    In winter term 2016, students in the Business Planning and Strategy Projects class (BA 453) in the Lundquist School of Business at the University of Oregon (UO) conducted an analysis for a proposed regional multi-­sports ...
  • Brown, Emily; Stuckmayer, Ethan; Thomas, Ren (2016)
    The Affordable Housing Plan included an assessment of the existing housing options in Redmond, as well as goals, objectives, and strategies that could be used to encourage the preservation and creation of affordable ...
  • Chen, Lin (Flora); Eischeid, Mark R. (2016)
    As “The Hub” for Central Oregon, Redmond Municipal Airport (RDM) is planning for a future expansion to respond to the rapidly growing population in the City of Redmond. The goal of this project is to design a landscape ...
  • Struxness, Rachel; Parker, Margy (2016)
    Over 10 weeks, a team of students in J454, the Public Relations Campaigns class at the University of Oregon’s School of Journalism and Communication, conducted primary and secondary research to enhance their understanding ...
  • Hawley, Erica; Dionísio, Wendy Ames (2016)
    Over the course of 10 weeks, students in Public Relations Campaigns (J454) at the University of Oregon collaborated with City of Redmond officials and staff to identify goals, objectives, target audiences, strategies, ...
  • Hawley, Erica; Dionísio, Wendy Ames (2016)
    The Redmond Professional Business Medical District Initiative is an ongoing project in the City of Redmond, Oregon. The initiative aims to create a distinct area of town designated for new business development that will ...
  • Salvey, Lydia; Remund, David (2015)
    The City of Redmond worked with public relation students at the University of Oregon to find solutions for increasing civic engagement. The following pages include recommendations culled from eight different plans developed ...
  • Montzka, Dianna; Nicolello, Bree; Vollstedt, Anya; Tejedas, Hope; Schlossberg, Marc (2015)
    This report documents the ideas, methodologies, and proposals produced by students of the Bicycle Transportation class for the City of Redmond, Oregon. Project members visualized a family-friendly bicycle network that ...
  • Martin, Andrew; Stuckmayer, Ethan; Yang, Yizhao (2016)
    In the spring 2016 term, an Advanced GIS class at UO conducted an analysis of three existing neighborhoods within the City of Redmond to identify how well they have implemented the Great Neighborhood Principles. The goal ...

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