Scholars' Bank will be on a content freeze from 9/6 - 9/16 as we transition to a new & improved version. Minimal downtime expected on 9/16. Stay tuned for more updates!

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  • Mhuireach, Gwynne A.; Dietz, Leslie; Griffiths, Willem; Horve, Patrick Finn; Laguerre, Aurelie; Northcutt, Dale; Vandegrift, Roo; Gall, Elliott; Van Den Wymelenberg, Kevin (Elsevier, 2021)
    Indoor environmental quality is a paramount concern among architects. Exposure to VOCs and microorganisms impacts occupant health, yet the role of materials on these exposures remains poorly understood. In this study, we ...
  • Mhuireach, Gwynne A.; Fahimipour, Ashkaan K.; Vandegrift, Roo; Muscarella, Mario E.; Hickey, Roxana; Bateman, Ashley C.; Van Den Wymelenberg, Kevin G.; Bohannan, Brendan J. M. (BMC, 2022-12-22)
    Background: Plants are found in a large percentage of indoor environments, yet the potential for bacteria associated with indoor plant leaves and soil to colonize human skin remains unclear. We report results of experiments ...

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